When you think of early signs of aging, fine lines and wrinkles probably first come to mind. But lines and wrinkles are not the only change that contributes to an older appearance. When you are young, an abundant supply of collagen and elastin, as well as natural pads of fat, help to keep your skin supple and smooth. As you age, collagen and elastin production slows down and natural fat pads diminish. Renuva is a revolutionary new injectable that can help you address this lost volume and reverse the signs of aging, with results that can last for years.
Using hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can be an effective way to restore lost volume in the face, but hyaluronic acid is metabolized by the body, meaning the results are not as long-lasting, and additional treatments are often necessary to maintain a youthful appearance. Renuva is an entirely different injectable that can last longer and can treat signs of aging almost anywhere on the body!
What Is Renuva?
Renuva is an FDA-approved, non-surgical aesthetic injectable treatment that addresses volume loss in the face, hands, and body. This injectable is an allograft adipose matrix that contains the same proteins seen in natural fat tissue. The matrix found in Renuva stimulates the production of natural fat cells in the treatment area, helping to boost volume and deliver a smoother, more youthful appearance.
Renuva is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal side effects, no downtime, and high success rates, providing you with a treatment alternative that offers long-lasting results
Areas of Treatment
Renuva is not limited to facial volume loss common with aging. In fact, it can be used to complement many other cosmetic procedures and address potential irregularities that may occur. Common areas of treatment include:
- Face – Renuva injections can address lost volume in the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, and any other area where lost volume may contribute to signs of aging.
- Neck and Chest – Renuva can help tighten and smooth out the appearance of the neck and chest often experienced as you age.
- Hands – As you age, the loss of fat in the hands can contribute to visible veins and bones, as well as loose skin. Renuva injections help plump up the hands, resulting in a more youthful appearance.
- Body – Do you have cellulite dimples? Hip-dips? Depressed Scars? Did a previous liposuction treatment result in irregularities? Renuva injections into these areas can help smooth out irregularities and provide a smooth appearance.
- Breasts – Did a recent breast augmentation result in rippling or other breast implant irregularities? Renuva offers the ability to address these irregularities naturally and without surgery.
Am I a Candidate?
Renuva injections are ideal for men and women looking to replace lost volume in the face or body. Candidates will be in good general health and looking for non-surgical treatment alternatives that offer little to no downtime.
Because Renuva uses a natural allograft adipose matrix, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today!
When Will I See the Results?
While you may see subtle changes immediately after treatment, the injection of the matrix is only the beginning. Over the next 3 months, your body will begin to produce fat and collagen in the treatment area, with your best results being revealed roughly 3 months after injection. Some patients may need additional injections in order to achieve optimal results.
The fat cells your body produces in response to Renuva injections are very long-lasting. While it varies from individual to individual, generally speaking, research findings suggest that human fat cells can last up to 10 years.
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